What is it?
An Art Thinking oriented workshop realized to involve the businesses in the community.
When and Where?
Wednesday June 7 th 2023, BRAMO i Cioccolati Via Don Minzoni 120 Cerignola (FG)
FOSSINTE was not just another workshop, but the first step in a long journey that we hope could bring us, eventually, to a renovation operation in our community. We chose to do this by starting from the “Fosse Granarie” (old granaries) because we know that inside them, in the deepest darkness of the underground, are hiding the elements that define who we are and will determine who we will be.
With FOSSINTE, and the cooperation of all the businesses and citizens who will choose to work with us, we’ll try to create the first participated and public work of art in our community. We’ll try to do this by talking to everyone, since it is only though sharing ideas, beliefs and needs that we will bring future to our economy and to the entire territory.
With Biagio Giurato, Francesco Cascino, Filippo Riniolo, Bordermind team and Cascino Progetti, we went thorugh an historical journey, storytelling how art and art thinking were the only elements able to renovate places, communities and economies. From Stonehenge to Christo’s and Jeanne Claude’s installations, passing through Olivetti to the last generations works of art, every historic period has been deeply marked by Art. It was a fantastic conversation, and we hope you would want to keep it up with all of us.
Biagio Giurato – Digital Content creator and “Bordermind aps” President
Francesco Cascino – Art Consulting and Art Thinking
Filippo Riniolo – Artist
Tommaso Perrucci - Maitre Chocolatier
Businesses in the community, public institutions and citizens
Remote Centre of Psychological support
COVID 19 Emergency

What is it?
A shared space for psychological support online.
When and where?
Every Tuesday ONLINE session from 5pm to 7pm (oppure lasciamo 17.00 to 19.00), with Doctor Erika Aucello – info 3271249447
Every Thursday ONLINE session from 4pm to 6pm (oppure lasciamo 16.00 to 18.00), with Doctor Giovanni Dipaola – info 3207955973
The project
This project has the main purpose of promoting the global concept of personal wellbeing through the empowerment of individual resources and abilities; useful to gain self-awareness and self-sufficiency during the COVID-19 emergency. This remote support - 2 sessions per day, completely free – will allow you to discuss your emotional situation in a respectful and unbiased place.
Giovanni Dipaola – Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Psychoanalyst
Subjects in the region – all genders and ages.
Extracurricular support for
Middle school students

What is it?
An afterschool laboratory to improve students awareness on responsible citizenship.
When and where?
October to December - Centro Sociale Evangelico di Cerignola (FG)
The afterschool laboratory takes place in the afternoon. All the meetings are divided in 4 labs for student’s group, each of them for 1 and a half hour. All the activities have the primary goal to strengthen of the relationship between young students and school. The main focus of the labs is to engage students to a better understanding of their own self, to develop self-assessment skills and to value diversity and inclusion within the student’s group.
Giovanni Dipaola – Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Psychoanalyst Rosario Pio De Ierolamo – Master’s Degree in Development Psychology
Students of Middle Schools - Centro Sociale Evangelico di Cerignola (FG)
How art helps to understand needs and
desires of people (dei sistemi non lo tradurrei)

What is it?
A workshop with the purpose of creating pieces of art useful to consolidate the relationship between art and entrepreneurship. Edited By ArteprimaWhen and where?
November 19t, 2018 – Liceo Artistico Sacro Cuore, Cerignola (FG) November 20th 2018 – Cantina 60 Passi – Agricola Ladogana Passo d’Orta, Orta Nova (FG)Abstract
Art Thinking it’s an emotional intelligence enhancing device; a tool that increases creativity and enables imagination, innovation and lateral vision. This super-useful art philosophy - and all its sensorial and neuronal dynamics – are all ways of approaching problems, markets, life and critical processes. Thanks to the “Art Thinking” 2 day school-entrepreneurial experience, we tried to regenerate the old habits of “doing” and “sharing” knowledge, with the main goal of reunite the business identity with the collective – fragile – identity.Authors
Alfredo Pirri – Artist Francesco Cascino – Art CuratorProject partner and sponsor
Vittorio Feola – EntrepreneurTarget
High school students - Liceo Artistico Sacro Cuore di Cerignola (FG) Cantina 60 Passi – Agricola Ladogana Passo d’Orta.Start
You are Business
What is it?
Cultural event for personal and business development.
When and where?
November 20th 2018 – Cantina 60 Passi – Agricola Ladogana Passo d’Orta, Orta Nova (FG)
This event had the purpose of setting the territorial and entrepreneurial boundaries of a new way of urban renovation made of the most important component: human being. START it’s the finish line and as well the starting point in the rebuilding project of a network of innovative businesses. START is a new beginning, part of the process of creative contamination of people who are constantly regenerating the economy of the territory. START is the billboard of a found human profile in urban renovation, as it happened in Athens, as it is now for the Silicon valley. Meetings, seminars and workshops all focused to emphasize, through arts, the indestructible bond between human capital and urban context.
Biagio Giurato – Architect and Digital content creator
Matteo Albanese - Marketing Specialist, City Promoter
High school students in the north of Puglia, local institutions and local businesses.
You are Art
Digital Communication Campaign

What is it?
A “social” publishing project aimed to increase awareness on the importance of art in the urban and human renovation processes. Advertising Campaign for the event START e promotion of the urban lab #iosonotalento.When and where?
May-July 2018 – Social Networks (Facebook)
Biagio Giurato – Architect and Digital content creator
Social Network Users
I’m Talent
Human development Lab

What is it?
A urban and extracurricular laboratory to enable study and research. A space to share and discuss, open to all the young people that want to share dreams, aspirations, experiences and knowledge.
A contact point for all the young students to support them - once they graduate – when facing for the first time the job world.
When and where?
February – July 2018 Officine Fornari, Piano San Rocco 32, Cerignola (FG)
High school students – Cerignola (FG)
Work Placement Project

What is it?
A workshop to simulate the activities to start up a new business - 210 hours of lessons in 4 different Schools
When and where?
January – June 2018
I.T.C. Dante Alighieri – Cerignola (FG)
L.S.S. Albert Einstein – Cerignola (FG)
I.I.S.S. Giuseppe Pavoncelli – Cerignola (FG)
I.I.S. Augusto Righi – Cerignola (FG)
Inspired by the ever changing social and technical evolution, the TALENT IS HUMAN project stimulates the creative skills of our students, trying to paving the way for their professional realization. Through design projects and business-case study, start-up lab BORDERMIND offers a multidisciplinary learning experience, innovative and attractive for young students that are searching their professional identity.
Principal Activities:
-Urban Analysis
-Communication, marketing and territorial promotion
-Business startup and entrepreneurial mentoring
Biagio Giurato – Architect and Digital content creator
Matteo Albanese - Marketing Specialist, City Promoter
Giovanni Dipaola – Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Psychoanalyst
High school students – Cerignola (FG)
Work Placement Project

What is it?
A three year project to help guide though to the job world
When and where?
January 2018 – June 2019
I.T.C. Dante Alighieri – Cerignola (FG)
L.S.S. Albert Einstein – Cerignola (FG)
I.I.S.S. Giuseppe Pavoncelli – Cerignola (FG)
I.I.S. Augusto Righi – Cerignola (FG)
The Academy was created to guide young talents in the development of their own skills, for the territory and within their territory, to promote culture of the “sustainable success”. For the Smart Cities to thrive, a thick network of Smart Brains is needed. Now more than ever, in a post economic crisis, youngsters needs to orientate their talent to a real future perspective. The Academy, thanks to the support and sponsorship of several local entrepreneurial entities, help transform passions to real projects. The main topics of the project are:
-Create a stable network of business caring about the social innovation
-Educate young students for the new frontiers of the modern work
-Enhance the human capital
-Help young student create a professional image, both online and offline.
-Increase knowledge about the aspects of labour law and work psychology
Biagio Giurato – Architect and Digital content creator
Matteo Albanese - Marketing Specialist, City Promoter
Giovanni Dipaola – Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Psychoanalyst
Stefano Campese – Attourney at Law, Expert in Immigration Law
High school students – Cerignola (FG)
Workshop in Collaboration with
the Chamber of Commerce - Foggia

What is it?
A workshop dedicated to help guide though to the job world
When and where?
January 8th,9th,29th 2018– February 2nd 2018 – Conference Room, Chamber of Commerce Foggia (FG)
A workshop dedicated to help guide though to the job world; structured in 4 meetings for a total of 10 hours of learning experience for 180 young students. Identity and Territory; Communication and Marketing, Psychology, Labour Law: those were the main topics of the workshops to best guide the future choices of young students. The course also focused on the most important transformations in our century. Theory and practice were merged together during the meetings, o connect the new generations through creativity and innovation: the bedrock of the work in the new minnellium.
Biagio Giurato – Architect and Digital content creator
Matteo Albanese - Marketing Specialist, City Promoter
Giovanni Dipaola – Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Psychoanalyst
Stefano Campese – Attourney at Law, Expert in Immigration Law
High school students – Foggia
- Liceo Scientifico “Volta” di Foggia
- Liceo Scientifico “Marconi” di Cerignola
- Liceo Scientifico “Rispoli-Tondi” di San Severo
Development Opportunity for your Business

What is it?
A workshop dedicated to the Smart City and the business development in our territory
When and where?
January 13th 2018 - Sala Consiliare del Comune di Cerignola (FG)
The smart city is the city able to value its own human capital and the engine of its own economy: local businesses. This workshop tries to focus on renovating the concept of Smart City (up to now only applicable to the urban meaning) in order to find the natural connections with the local economy. The city reshaped as a centre of skills aggregation and entrepreneurial experiences; the ideal place to create value by sharing knowledge. Analysing the best urban renovation operations all over the world, and how the startups are now rapidly changing the face of our cities, we’ll try to spread the human renovation culture in our territories.
Biagio Giurato – Architect and Digital content creator
Matteo Albanese - Marketing Specialist, City Promoter
Giuseppe Longo – Managing Director CESAN – Camera di Commercio Foggia
Viviana Tiso – Co-Founder Startup “TocTocDoor”
Angelo Pio Ritrovato – Video-maker/Statupper “Pacco di Mamma”
High School students – cerignola (FG)
Local entrepreneurs.